Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Block sizes can vary to fit your needs. This block above is 3.5" x 6" and would cost $3.00 for the kit (wood, vinyl, tulle) or $4.00 finished.

Another fun way to decorate is to spell things out on separate blocks. These can be personalized to fit any occation or home decor. The blocks above and picture below are all 4" x 3.5". These kits (blocks and vinyl) are $3.00 or $6.00 finished.

Another fun way to spell things out is on blocks with different sized blocks. The price of the Welcome blocks above are $7.00 for the kit (blocks and vinyl) or $10.00 finished.
The blocks below are the same idea. The kit for the USA blocks below is $3.50 or $6.50 finished.

The large blocks above are 5.5" x 5.5" and can be personalized to fit your needs.
The kit (block and vinyl) is $6.00
Finished $8.50
I am a Child of God block above is 4.5" x 4.5". Once again you can order a personalized saying to fit on here. The kit (block and vinyl) is $4.00 or $5.00 finished.

These are wood tile shelf sitters. The kit for these are $4.00 or $5.00 finished.

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